Parasite Arek – a visual artist. In 2010 he formulated a “Manifesto of Parasitism” presenting the idea of his activities as a parasite-artist. According to these ideas covered in “Manifesto”, Parasite Arek lived,worked and created parasitizing for four years in several cities, cultural institutions and all places of culture. With time, his actions turned into a critique of the status of the artist in society and he began to create the so-called host projects. In this spirit, in 2012, he created a series of activities “Willing to help” implemented in Polish villages and towns. In 2013, he designed and completed the construction of a HOME in Elblag – a house, which is the dream of every young person who has no money for land, materials and builders. Then he worked in various projects with social groups referred to as “social parasites”: Roma, the long-term unemployed or experiencing social exclusion; a Painting workshop “Not to be Rejected”, where homeless people can work. At the basis of this and other activities is the belief in the therapeutic role of art and the belief that people can improve their situation through it. More information about Parasitism in the Manifesto of Parasitism.
PhD Candidate at AAH UMK Toruń/Poland (supervisors: dr hab. Rafał Jakubowicz, prof. UAP; dr Mikołaj Iwański).